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School of Indigenous Studies UWA

News and Events

The Boodjar project and other projects relating to Nyungar language have received strong media attention and a selection of articles and activity is listed below. If you seek other project-related resources, along with a broader selection of Nyungar history and culture resources, please go to the Information and Resources page which will be updated on a regular basis.


Media relating to the Boodjar project and Professor Len Collard's other Nyungar naming projects includes the following:

Mapping History, The Perth Voice, 4 July 2014 <perthvoiceinteractive.com/2014/07/04/mapping-history/>

Noongar name for new road at Rockingham City, First Nations Telegraph, 28 August 2014 <firstnationstelegraph.com/#!social-archive-15/c5of>

Elder on different side of road debate, Mandurah Coastal Times, 31 October 2014 <mandurah.inmycommunity.com.au/news-and-views/local-news/Elder-on-different-side-of-road-debate/7666586/>

Canada and First Nations reach deal over schooling, The New York Times, 16 February 2014 <nytimes.com/2014/02/17/world/americas/canada-and-first-nations-reach-deal-over-schooling.html?_r=0>

Noongar language to be preserved Wikipedia-style, The Stringer, 17 February 2014 <thestringer.com.au/noongar-language-to-be-preserved-wikipedia-style-6636#.VJDwwRaqC5w>

Mapping Noongar Perth, ABC News, 11 July 2014 <abc.net.au/news/2014-07-11/noongar-maps-of-perth-city-released/5589910>

Makura is here, InkWire, 2 June 2014 <inkwirenews.com.au/2014/06/02/makaru-is-here/>

New media to throw a lifeline to an ancient language, UWA News, 11 February 2014 <news.uwa.edu.au/201402116439/arts-and-culture/new-media-throw-lifeline-ancient-language>

Council rejects name change, The West Australian, 17 January 2014 <au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/20794482/council-rejects-name-change/>

WA academics develop Noongar ‘Wikipedia’ to help preserve language, ABC News, 13 February 2014 <abc.net.au/news/2014-02-13/noongar-wikipedia-helps-preserve-language/5258342>

Noongar name for new road, First Nations Telegraph, 28 August 2014 <issuu.com/first_nations_telegraph/docs/noongar_name_for_new_road>

Noongar Wikipedia radio interview, ABC Radio <soundcloud.com/abcwa/noongar-wikipedia-professor>

Nyungar youth excited to learn their traditional language 21-Aug-2014

Nyungar elder and Australian Research Council Fellow at Curtin University, Associate Professor Len Collard is encouraged by the growing interest shown by many young people in the South West of Australia to learn their traditional language.

Read more here:  http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/news/Collard.html