Manjimup as man - ji - mup are
mandee - ji - up or mandeegurra - ji - gup or
mandeegurr - gee - up or
mandakin - gee gup or
man-dig-ga-ra - gee - gup or
mandager norba - gee gup or d
emmanger - ji - up or
maam yog - ji - gup or
marm - gee - gup or
manjahly - gee - gup or
maandee murnong - ji - gup or
mandjar - ji - up or
mandeegurr - ji - gup or man-da - gee - gup
means an inhabitant of this place. It's a special place in the bush where people collectively meet and a trade or exchange-like meeting occurs. Families of people gather where kinship and in-law making matters take place. This is where mothers, fathers, old and young people alike get together. It is here where young men and women and future in-laws look out for those who have come of age. This is where they will want to meet the strangers who will become their future husbands and wives as they move into adulthood.